Best Paris florist delivers exceptional bouquets

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Red Love

No misunderstanding possible, it's the bouquet of crazy love! The red of the roses is unequivocal, the deep carmine of the roses "Red Naomi" carries well beyond the caprice and if the ivy wraps itself, it is not that it is obstinate, it is that one lent him faithful qualities: you offer a bouquet with a ardent heart ... irredeemably!

The Red Love Bouquet is composed of Papa Meilland perfumed red roses, Red Naomi and Mirabelle red roses , camellia and ivy.

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SPECIAL VALENTINE'S DAY OFFER : Free delivery feb 14th in Paris & beautiful candle worth 8 euros offered !

Why offer a Red Love bouquet ?

The Red Love bouquet is composed of the very rare Red Naomi roses. Like the Avalanche rose, the Red Naomi rose is a classic for's florists, it's the rose with the unequivocal message, the endless stem and the red velvet button. Not to mention the Papa Meilland roses that give the Red Love bouquet this subtle and heady scent of rose.

In order to respect the composition of the bouquet and subject to availabilities, one variety may be replaced, in order to keep optimal freshness and quality. tips for the Red Revolver bouquet:

Cut the stem into a bevel, remove the leaves and fill the vase to the top of the stem. Remove the peripheral petals or petals of protection so that they bloom to their maximum.

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Vases Collection (vases are sold without the flowers)

Chic Vase
Magic Vase
Médicis Vase
75€ to 150€
Magic handmade vase
Chic handmade vase
Two Agate handmade small vases
Three Malachite Green handmade vases
Three Agate handmade vases

All our bouquets are made in one of our two shops in Paris and hand-delivered by our deliverymen.

Shipping in Paris: + 10 € ,
and suburbs (92, 93, 94): + 15 €