Best Paris florist delivers exceptional bouquets

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Invitation to the Voyage

This composition "piquée" is delivered in its vase which is offered.

Bouquet inspired by the Poem of Baudelaire Invitation to the Voyage :The rarest flowers, Mingling their fragrance, With the faint scent of amber, The oriental splendor, All would whisper there, Secretly to the soul, In its soft, native language. There all is order and beauty, Luxury, peace, and pleasure."

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Bouquet composed of 14 varieties of exceptional flowers and foliage: Amaranthes, Chrysanthemums, Abelia, Wild carrots, Cotereasthères, Juliet roses, Solidagos, Celosies, Carnations, Lysianthus, Flat roses, Achileas, Physalis, Branch roses .

All our bouquets are made in one of our two shops in Paris and hand-delivered by our deliverymen.

Shipping in Paris: + 10 € ,
and suburbs (92, 93, 94): + 15 €